Basins & Pools
All our models of basins and pools that you can see on this website can also be seen in our 3-hectares exhibition park located in the very heart of Provence.
Each model is unique and made of antique materials (eg. old stone bugets).

Shallow basin for garden in antique molded and patinated stones

Square garden basin with central ball crafted in natural stone

Stone fountain with a central sphere

Water feature in stone with circular low basin and central decor

Garden pond with large central ball in patinated natural stone

Ancient octagonal stone basin with massive ball on base

Antique round stone basin

Large round basin in aged and patinated stones

Basin with fitted pediment and flooring in reclaimed weathered massive stones

Large rectangular basin in reclaimed weathered massive stones

Large Provencal wash-house-style basin with pediment in weathered stones
If you wish, we can perfectly well adapt or enlarge each model to meet your requirements.
Do not hesitate to contact us for more information.