Religious Elements
Our company "Les Mémoires d'Adrien" retrives and restores ancient funerary elements to preserve and protect these ancient religious architectural elements which are often nicely carved and sculpted. Elements of such a beauty that it would be a shame to not try to save them !

Antique white marble funerary stele.

Tabernacle ancien en marbre XIXème

Croix ancienne avec sculpture du Christ en pierre patinée

Croix ancienne du XVIIIème siècle en pierre

Old cross in weathered stone sold with its molded base in stone

Antique Virgin Mary sculpture

Beautiful antique Christian cross sculpted in patinated stone with massive basement

Reclaimed 19th Century cast iron cross and its pedestal in stone

Stèle avec sculptures : couronne, arbre de vie et plaque vierge

Oratory in reclaimed weathered carved limestone

Monument funéraire en pierre dure sculpté d'ornements

Stèle funéraire de style gothique avec plaque vierge

Stèle ornementale ancienne de style Gothique

Stèle ornementale de style Gothique en pierre
Feel free to come and visit us or contact us by email if you need any more information of these unique elements !