Antiques Crosses
Among the infinite symbols, crosses deserve a particular attention.
Too easily assimilated to Christianity, the cross should not be confused with the crucifix. Besides, crosses were originally used to mark prime locations or to delimit plots of land.

Croix ancienne du XVIIIème siècle en pierre

Old cross in weathered stone sold with its molded base in stone

Beautiful antique Christian cross sculpted in patinated stone with massive basement

Reclaimed 19th Century cast iron cross and its pedestal in stone

Magnifique croix ancienne en pierre sur socle
Its use as a religious symbol dates back several centuries before Christ. It also has a universal value just like an example in the ancient Indian religion : in the caves of Elephanta, one can see a cross on top of the head of a character. In another ancient painting, the god Krishna is represented with six arms, three of which hold a cross.
--> All our range of crosses (and more) is availble for you to see in our ateliers. We would be more than happy to welcome you Mondays to Saturdays.