Antique iron firebacks

Small antique cast iron fire-back: resting cherub

Small antique cast iron fire-back: resting cherub

Original cast iron fire-back centered by an automobile silhouette

Antique cast iron fire-back: Allegorical figure of Justice

Antique cast iron wedding fire back

Antique cast iron fire back: Flower Nymph

Ancienne petite plaque en fonte à décor de paniers de fleurs et flambeaux

Cast iron fireback with Royal Coat of Arms

Antique cast iron fire back: Hunting depiction

Antique cast iron fire back with Royal Coat of Arms of France

Antique cast iron fire-back: Allegory of love

Antique cast iron fire-back with a female figure.

High antique cast-iron fire-back depicting a flame-ornament.

Antique cast iron fireback: Caravel depiction
The first use of the fireback is to protect the masonry and earth from the flames and high temperatures. But their aim is also to store the heat and then spread it out throughout the room, especially at night when the fire is dying.
The cast-iron firebacks are born in the fifteenth century. They have been getting richer with heraldic decorations (arms, crowns and other emblems), allegorical, mythological or illustrating tales of peasant scenes. The most beautiful compositions reach their peak in the seventeenth century.
These fireplace firebacks made of durable cast iron serve to protect the back wall of the fireplace from decay.
We are at your disposal if you require more information on one of these items.