Central fountainsLarge wall fountainsWall fountains with monolithic troughsSmall & medium-sizes wall-fountainsSmall wall mounted fountainsFountains with antique manual water pumpsBasins & PoolsOther fountains
Village wash-housesAntique laundry sinksAntique round troughs in stoneAntique rectangular troughs in stone
Gothic and Middle-AgesRenaissanceLouis XIIILouis XIVRegency and Louis XVLouis XVIFrench DirectoireFrench RestaurationXIXth and XXth CenturiesAntique stone mantels with trumeauRustic countryside fireplaces
White marble mantelsGrey marble mantelsBlack marble mantelsPink marble mantelsRed marble mantelsBrown marble mantelsBreccia marble mantels
Antique iron firebacksAntique firedogs and andironsAntique rotisserie mechanismsOther antique fireplaces accessories
Kitchens and BBQTables and benchesBathroom furnitureSinks and washbasinsOther furniture
Antique vases and jarsAntique pedestalsAntique garden wellsCast-iron water pumpsPergolas and rose gardensAntique bellsOther antique ornemental elements
Antique pillars & columnsAntique wrought-iron gatesAntique wrought-iron railingsAntique wrought-iron doors & small gatesAntique wrought-iron fences
FramingsCornices & CapitalsBoundary stonesOther antique architectural elements
Reclaimed Terra Cotta flooringReclaimed tomettes in Terra CottaOther antique stone flooringAntique cement tiles
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