Antique vases and jars
Decorative elements also means vases, jars and fire pots !
Many ancient elements to decorate and ornement your property. Vases made of stone, cast-iron, marble ... In any size or shape. Objects of such beauty to add some style and some character of authenticity to your home.

Jarre ancienne d'Anatolie en terre cuite

Large garden vases in weathered-by-time stone - The pair

Pair of patinated limestone pillar ornaments

Pair of large reclaimed Medici style vases in weathered stone

Ancienne grosse jarre d'Arménie en terre cuite patinée

Huge antique terracotta jar

Pair of large garden vases with handles sold with their pedestals

Pair of large Medici vases with handles sold with their pedestals

Beautiful antique ornament in patinated stone : reclaimed fire-pot

Pair of old vases with plinth in weathered stone
We also offer a wide range of newly made vases. Each carved in natural French limestone.
For more information, please have a look at our website dedicated to our stone cutting activity : www.sculptures-bidal.com