Red marble mantels
All our selection of antique red marble fireplaces.

Regency Style red marble fireplace

Antique white and red marble mantle

Napoleon III Style antique marble mantle

Napoleon III Style antique red marble mantle

Louis XVI style antique mantle made of red marble veined with white

Napoleon III style antique red marble mantle

Napoleon III style antique red marble mantle

Beautiful antique Pompadour Style marble mantle

Antique red marble fireplace with white veins

Louis XIV Style red and white marble mantle with Bolection molding

Louis XIV Style antique red marble mantel

Superb Second Empire style marble mantle

19th century antique red marble mantle

Red marble fireplace with bolection molding

Antique Louis XIV style red marble fireplace

Louis XIV style antique red marble mantle

Louis XIV Style antique red marble mantle with credence
You will find in this category our selection of fireplaces made with red marble.
Feel free to contact us for more information.