Antique stone fireplaces and mantels

Our antique fireplaces and mantels made of stone are charged with history that will bring you warmth and refinement. It will also give a certain style to your interior, whether traditional or contemporary. A wide range of antique fireplaces (Gothic fireplaces, French Renaissance, Louis XIII, Louis XIV, Regency, Louis XV, Louis XVI, French Directory, French Restoration and Napoleon III) are exposed in l'Isle sur la Sorgue in our shoorooms and exhibition park.


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Only show :Gothic and Middle-AgesRenaissanceLouis XIIILouis XIVRegency and Louis XVLouis XVIFrench DirectoireFrench RestaurationXIXth and XXth CenturiesAntique stone mantels with trumeauRustic countryside fireplaces
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The study of fireplaces throughout the centuries shows an evolution that is always closely linked to all major artistic movements (architectural and sculptural). This assumption is very revealing of the importance of the fireplace in the domestic space.

The fireplace was the heart of the traditional life : kitchen hearth, smoking room to store food, heating ... The evenings around the fireplace were moments of conviviality that allowed the exchange of news and evoking tales, during which women used to do needlework.


All our fireplaces over 100 years of age hold a Certificate of Exportation issued by the French Ministry of Culture.